Thursday, December 8, 2011

Phoneless - Day 6

Erin, my wife, told me that I should include more of the positive things going on during this whole experience. She's right, as wives often are. Following are feelings that I have had and may not reflect actual events as perceived by others. That doesn't  make them any less valid.

I feel quicker to respond when called. I'm not talking about the input lag on all Android phones when a call comes in. If someone in another room calls for me, I don't check to see if I have my phone first then go searching for it if I can't find it. This is actually kind of funny because just now I had to go find the phone I'm borrowing because I haven't been paying attention to whether it's in my pocket or not. The ability to be contacted anywhere, anytime, by anyone had become such a given that if I put myself in an unreachable state I felt like I might be letting someone down. So far, even without my smartphone to show me my friends' Latitude locations, no one has died waiting for me to pick up the phone I left at the dinner table.

On a similar note, I used to feel like I had to have all information available to me at all times. I needed my IMDB app, a Google search bar, or Wikipedia at my side in every moment. What if someone wanted to know the definition of a word or the population of Brazil? Experiencing such moments these past few days shows me just how important a dictionary or encyclopedia is (or rather isn't) in the course of regular conversation. Previously, many times a discussion has turned into an argument due to a disagreement that was solved by instant pocket research. Now that I cannot "prove" my point with a search engine's results, I am more agreeable and understanding of others opinions. It's almost as if I misunderstood that I was having a conversation and was not in a factual debate.

And so I could go on, but this isn't intended to be a diary. And I'm surprised you, reader, have even made it this far. So for those of you who have endured I'll let you know that, although the previous posts are actually based on fact and occurrences, they are dramatized for entertainment. Shocker, I know. I hope you have been enjoying the show so far. It's not over yet!

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