Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Construction on Antelope

This is right in front of our house.  It starts at 8:00 p.m. and goes until whenever they feel like stopping.  The flashing lights and reverse beeping noises are bugging Scarlett, Atticus, and Haven especially, we think.  Nothing we can do, I guess.  By the way, all of the snow melted again - that means it's time to snow another foot.  Boo.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Snowy Weather

Snow on the roads - LAME!

At one point in the video I mention the name of a store on the side of the road "Dallas Green" which I then say is "not quite" what the weather is like but that I wish it was.

And some pictures... (stupid Picasa keeps rotating them...)

Our front yard:
The front of our house: