Sunday, July 4, 2010

Bruce’s First Days Home

I know we’ve been bad at posting lately, we’ve been really busy. Bruce was born 12 weeks early on May 12 at 2 pounds 13 ounces. Bruce spent 7 full weeks at the hospital (Davis Hospital NICU). On June 29, Stephen and I spent the night at the hospital doing a test run with our new baby on his monitors. It was a very long hard night, but in the end we got to bring him home on June 30, still a month before his due date. He came home at 5 pounds 3 ounces and has been doing great! We still have to give him caffeine, and he has to be on monitors 24/7 to make sure he breathes and that his heart doesn’t stop. It’s a pain lugging it around since it’s cord is only about 8 feet long. We’re all exhausted, but our children love having him home since they never got to see him in those first 7 weeks. Just wanted to thank everyone who kept us in their prayers and helped us out. It meant so much to us. We’ll be forever grateful.

Here are some recent pictures of him at home.

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